Thursday 9 May 2013

Publication:: Book & Timeline _ Done.

Book & Timeline

Nearly there. Book and timeline element are done and 
completed to a standard I'm happy with, Not binded 
and fastened together just yet as in terms of binding 
it's easy to create holes for binding through all the 
pieces at once for perfect alignment, doing elements 
individually can turn into a bit of a nightmare, a 
hole-punch even a few mm off looks horrible.

Pretty close to my mock-up so I'm now ready to 
work on the posters for the next couple of days, 
bind it all together and the publication will be complete.


The main worry and finishing process today was the 
use of white vinyl to emulate a white spot colour and 
create a more tactile finish. This was done by vinyl 
cutting and creating a transfer.

Book pages printed and with crop marks ready to go, 
only difficult bit was covering the small red cover to perfectly 
align with the content underneath.

Applying the white vinyl is a bit tricky but really pleased with 
the outcome and effect, definitely worth it.

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