Wednesday 9 May 2012

Visualising Scenes and film theory - Blackmail

Here's the passage for Blackmail I've been working on for the book.

The basic premise is that Alice, has accidentally killed a person who was sexually assaulting her with a bread knife. With the guilt and paranoia that follows, we also get a glimpse at how she feels with the sound being manipulated. The gossiper near hers voice slowly gets more and more distorted till all Alice (and resultingly we) hear is "Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife!" 8 times. Really trippy.

I tried to translate that to the design and the interaction between the reader and the book, with the text around Knife, slowly getting more and more distorted, to represent the womans voice, and on the next page, the single word "knife" gets bigger and bigger.

I manipulated the type to give it in an uneven quality, so the reader has to really concentrate on it to read it, and to give the speech a bit more texture and character, and also tone. This increased concentration to read it, will hopefuly further reinforce the KNIFE's catching the reader by surprise.

This spread is as yet unfinished, on the right will be an explanation of the scene the viewer just read through along with it being Hitchcock's first sound movie, what the movies about and some of the recurring themes which make it a Hitchcock film.

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