Saturday 14 April 2012

Lecture Notes: Communication Theory

Shannon and Weaver Bell Laboratories

There are different levels of communication problems that could potentially arise, these are:

Level 1 - Technical (accuracy)
Level 2 - Semantic (precision of language)
Level 3 - Effectiveness

Shannon & Weaver's communication model

    C & W's original model consisted of five elements:

    1. An information source, which produces a message.
    2. transmitter, which encodes the message into signals
    3. channel, to which signals are adapted for transmission
    4. receiver, which 'decodes' (reconstructs) the message from the signal.
    5. destination, where the message arrives.

Audience and social class also comes into communication theory. It's obviously very important to know about different target audiences and who to apply communication/theory to.


- then you can look further and at  different age groups within each group

Semiotics is the way we see things and how we process it in our heads for a message to be communicated to us.

1. Semiantics - Looks at what a sign actually stands for
2. Syntactics - The relationships amongst signs
3. Pragmatics - The practical uses and effects of signs

The Baywatch Theory of Art

3 Schools of phenomenological tradition:
- Classical phenomenology
- Phenomenology of perception
- Hermeneutic phenomenology

Rhetoric can be used to change the way we read things. It persuades us to see or read things differently.

Pics without context are meaningless; they need to be anchored.

Greek word: METAPHORA means "transfer" is language that directly compares seemingly unrelated subjects or activities

Sociophsychological tradition

Study of individual as a social being

Social and Cognitive Psychology - Paivio



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