Friday 13 April 2012


Here are 10 questions that I think would be useful and effective to ask myself if I wanted to know more about myself. To find out more on about things such as what I find aesthetically pleasing, what I like, what I don't like etc.

1. Where are you from and how did you get here?
2. Who would you say inspires your work the most?
3. If you could class your work to be any style or artistic movement, what would you call it?
4. What annoys you the most about design?
5. What's the biggest factor you think informs your design development?
6. What is the one aspect of design that you regard as the most important?
7. What is the one thing that annoys you the most in general
8. What do you think is the best quality to have when it comes to life and your design practice?
9. Outside of graphic design, what are your biggest interests and hobbies?
10. How would you want to be remembered as a designer?

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