Monday, 12 December 2011


Choosing a particular period from 1800 to present in what way has art of design responded to the social and cultural forces of that period?

  • Effect of modernity and social changes and industrialisation in modernity and the response being modernism
  • Effects of russian soviet resolution and Lenins decree for art and design to be raised in importance and the rise of constructivism and vkhutemas
  • Changing gender equality and the difference in design, popova, stepanova etc. - the lack of female and male inspired sports and work uniforms
  • Popova (stepanova?) being the lecturer at vkhutemas for textiles (i think) research into whether there was lots of positions of importance for females or if this was a changing trend at the time.
  • The response of Russia to the eastern world, Tatlins mad sculptural shit and his sky bike. Showing russian ingenuity and forward thinking ness to modernity and modernism in Europe at the time, like in Paris.
  • The similarities yet differences between vkhutemas and bauhaus, both were shut down by a political agenda. Bauhaus by Nazi Regime and vkhutemas in Stalin regime. Both movement also stopped,
These are the initial points I made on the question, I really want to debate some kind of point or opinion and be confident about it, rather than give a sort of history lesson - as I, or the reader, won't gain anything from that.

I find the similarities and differences between Bauahus and Vkhutemas quite interesting and all the social and cultural influences on them and stemming from them. Vkhutemas isn't ever mentioned in the same breath as Bauhaus, and I wonder why that is. It's something I want to look into. I need to talk to Richard in my tutorial to discuss where to go with this, for now here are some useful books I'm going to look into.

Infact, I searched vkhutemas on the college library system, and this happened....

case closed.

Anyways, here are some books that I'm going to look into for useful information and insight in the Blenheim Library. Look forward to getting stuck in. Wish there was more hours in the day though! Might email god about this.

Golomshtok,I (1977) 'Soviet Art In Exile: Unofficial Art From The Soviet Union', London, Secker & Warburg (709.47)

Leniashin, V (1988) 'Soviet Art 1920s - 1930s', New York, Harry N. Abrams Inc. Publishers (709.47)

Gillespie, D (2001) 'Early Soviet Cinema: Innovation, Ideology and Propaganda', London & New York, Wallflower Press (791.27)

Can actually read it online too> 

Lafont, M (2007) 'Soviet Posters: The Sergo Grigorian Collection', Munich - London - New York, Prestel (741.67)

Lodder, C (1983) 'Russian Constructivism', New Haven And London, Yale University Press (709.47)

Milner, J (1987) 'Russian Revolutionary Art', London, Bloomsbury (709.47)

Groys, Boris & Hollein, Max (2003) 'Dream Factory Communism: The Visual Culture of The Stalin Era', Germany, Hatje Cantz (709.47)

Lih, Lars. T (2011) 'Lenin', London, Reaktion Books (335.4)

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