Monday 4 March 2013

UI: Facebook redesign

"A conceptional and systematic design approach encouraging user behaviour and a greater control of data within a responsive grid."

This redesign of Facebook by designer Fred Nerby is very relevant to the BBC brief me and Eve are working on, I love how, again, as we're trying to achieve, a full screen and flexible experience with a grid like aesthetic style merging app sensibilities with web. 

Facebook Prototype - Conceptional Approach from Fred Nerby on Vimeo.

This is very reassuring for us as we want to submit a proposal in video form just like this, it's good to see submissions where you don't even need to see hands and an iPad, or even music, this sells the redesign very well and the transitions are simple but effective, I feel we can come to grips with digital indesign publications and animations to a point where we can create something like this.

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