Thursday 7 March 2013

BBC: Moving Image

At the moment me and Eve plan on working on the boards first and then doing the video, rather than the other way round so the video is more of an extra luxury which we can put our all into without worrying about running out of time.

Some of these videos especially the HTC Hero advert and Apple advert have given us early conceptual ideas for our first impact board

We really want to emphasise the notion of being able to swipe through each BBC page and the idea of consistency in design and big on horizontal movement. Obviously looking at existing adverts for similar gadgets is a good idea, here are some we discussed and analysed:

We like how the ipod's have an effect of being layered and interchangeable  maybe we could have the BBC pages (News, Sport, Weather etc) in 'layers' and you swipe them away

This is a bit more relevant to us with a swipey swipey horizontal movement. This applies to our potential video and definitely to our first impact board me and Eve are going to sketch up tonight showing the concept and redesign in almost one go.

This is exactly what we aim to achieve with our BBC video, we don't need any hands or to actually make the app for real, we'll make the boards first and hope to make this using After Effects, I feel this proposal is the most directly related to our vision.

Myspace redesign. Love the new Myspace redesign, it's been one of our inspirations for the BBC brief, again it's a purely digital proposal with no hands or backgrounds it's purely the website moving around and telling a story, which is very important for a video as viewers need to relate.

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