Monday 7 May 2012

First spread - off we go!

I thought it would be a good idea to get a little bit of practise in, with designing and getting a feel for how this will look. Surprisingly looking at Hitchcock's movies, there's not as much serif type as I thought there would be, alot of it is block, sans-serif.

I 'm going to keep switching up the type throughout the publication to add a bit more of an unpredictability to the publication, to suit the subject but I still want a set of typefaces that I will use variably, to stop it going a bit too mad.

In this case, this is the start of the book, the films will be set in the 20's. So I've used a 20's typeface for the copy, Futura, designed in 1927.

This is the first spread you'll see after flicking past the front cover. It still carries the black and white, quite grainy feel that I want it to.

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