Thursday, 24 October 2013

Cop3 Lecture 2: Doing Your Research Project

Doing Your Research Project - excellent and useful book. Everyone who does MA's / PHD's - have all relied on this book at some point

Study Skills section in library.

Approaches to Research

Quantitative v Qualitative

Yield the best and most relevant results for your projects. Don't just waste your time

What are you going to research and how are you going to research it.

**Look into sociology and cultural dynamics and influences for your project.

Action Research

If your project is concerned more with making, an entirely research methodology is probably going to be needed. One to employ could be action research. A cyclical porcess.

Make work

Put work in a real world situation

Reflect on work


Don't think you have to do questionnaires don't shoe-horn in. Do what's relevant and what feels logical to you.

If you have a strong concept and clear idea of what you need to do and an action plan, a strong research methodology should take care of itself if you engage and work/research logically and creatively.

Planning the project

Have a project plan or overarching work and research schedule so you know what you need to do.

Do this week-by-week so you don't feel overwhelmed with lists.

Write and log. Write down research questions you want answers to.

Consider each on their merit and focus on two. You already have two questions and broad lines of  enquiry - Swiss style and design style vs globalisation. Focus on them in terms of primary and secondary.

**How can you link the two reasonably separate lines of enquiry and find an underlying common value and theme? e.g. design style. birth of design styles, collaboration,

What is the purpose and justification for your study? Is your question researchable.

Constantly keep in mind what you want to do with all this research - what do you want to make or achieve, or find loads out about?

Don't just do something because "you're into it" - do it for a reason, a contemporary issue relavant in todays world and to your practice and goals as a designer.

Decide on a 'working title'? You already have a fairly decent one, you have a more focused subject study than just a theme. You're not just looking at globalisation, you're focusing on design styles and approaches to work which are unique, and whether they still do/will exist in the face of globalisation etc etc.

Project Outline

Take your question and talk through with your supervisor. Super important and it will definitely help! Give ideas and insight.

Come prepared.

Consider timing. 12 weeks - 12 different weekly action plans.

Only a small matter of time in which you can do this. Spread your time efficiently and effectively and be realistic.

**Allow generous time to reading! You won't get it done in a day.

Be disciplined. Read on the train to and from college. Devote free days in between other modules to reading, especially in these early stages.

Also time for making notes.

Time for writing, time for binding and finishing off the written and physical work project.

Be consistent and reliable and don't lie to yourself with being diligent.

Literature Search

Look at critical texts and OPINIONS from different scholarly sources. Don't just focus on history lessons but opinions open up debate and your own opinions and reactions.

Cross reference and cross critique between sources.

Keep at note and log of books, concepts, themes and references of the books. When writing and debating and discussing it's useful to know which books are strong to back up certain points.

Challenge, support or share.


Does your project involve other people?


When sharing research and questionnaire answers - ask before sharing their answers. Or maybe keep them anonymous?

Reference stuff straight away so you don't have to work backwards later on.

Ask proper questions not loaded questions, don't research for a question you already know the answer to, having an opinion is ok but don't research something which is a pretty clear cut answer which is tough to argue against.

In conclusion

Project Outline
Working Title
Working Methodology
Literature Search


Dont procrastinate!
Plan research methods and plans of action carefully
Select most appropriate and relevant research methods
Self assess ethicaly
Literature review and database
Document regularly and all ntable updates

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