Monday 26 November 2012

D&AD: Visuals of Japan

Here are visuals I have always associated with Japan along with visuals I've gained from my survey on Japan. These are the kinds of images that appear in my head when I think of Japan, especially the visual style that Japan conjures up in my head, away from some of the experimental graphic design out of Japan I'm a huge fan of. I think I'm drawn to the imagery as it almost looks 'cluttered' and so different to a western style, I also can't read Japanese so I take the images at face value, almost like a painting.

The difference in manners and influence of gaming and technology in mainstream culture is really interesting and so different from here. Check out some of the subway manners signage below. Along with videogame characters advertising chocolates. In Japan a gaming arcade, playing games socially is commonplace and a frequent 'hangout'

With a kind of tongue in cheek visual style really referencing a pulp Japanese style and Ted Baker being a new brand in Japan, I feel playing up on the idea of a Brit lost in Japan not taking itself too seriously could be an interesting path to take.

“Kawaii” means “cuteness” and it’s everywhere in Japan.

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