Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Publication:: Poster recreate 02 _ Hiroshima (1953)

The poster I chose to recreate in a comment on European and Japanese style is a poster for a movie called Hiroshima, released in 1953. Which in itself I find fascinating as the tone of voice is so informal and dismissive of a horrible catastrophe that happened only 8 years prior.


European recreation

This style is more reminscent of war-time poster design, with it's heavy use of black and white renders with simple colourways and use of space and stock. The tone of voice is loud and informal already so I felt it worked well for a poster of this type, modernism is a progression and acceptance of technology so I took the idea of showing off technology, in this case plans and turning them upside down, to me they almost look like bombs themselves being dropped which is a commentary on my part regarding Hiroshima and the concept of rejecting and communicating terror in a lighthearted way as the original poster does.

Japanese recreation

Again here I've taken Japanese sensibilities by designers such as Shigeo Fukuda with brightly coloured stock plus a simple ink coverage of black and/or white. There is again a large emphasis on image and to be anti-war and peace. From close attention you can see atomic bombs are being dropped but they're attached to helium balloons, so they are infact being carried away from the ground instead of onto it. It's my attempt at creating a tongue-in cheek and again fairly abstract image to downplay and overcome the tragedy of Hiroshima as so many Japanese designers often aimed to do through design.

Both of these posters along with breakdown of the theories and aims of the posters, along with original artwork will be included in the publication.

Tomorrow - I will bind and photograph! Exciting times.

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