Tuesday 2 April 2013

Essay Feedback - Plan of Action

I feel the feedback for my essay was fair, I could have done with reading back through it and making sure I targeted the module outcomes to have a stronger essay with more theory in there.

I'm posting this up as I'll most likely lose the feedback sheet and it gives me a record I won't lose and I can comment on the feedback and have a plan of action.


5A1 - An excellent contextual undestanding of the cultural and social contexts of Japanese modernism

5A2 - Outline & Methodology first, then apply directly to examples

5B1 - More analysis of key text required. Triangulate more

5C1 - Excellent amount of research in bibliography but not always cited

5D1 - Generally well written. Conversational tone at times.


I need to look more into modernist theory especially in terms of Europe and what scholars and intellectuals consider to be modernism, write about it if I agree with it or not and why - by applying those theories to existing work of that period.

The tone of voice of the essay also needs to be sorted and more conversational

There are some unncessary ares which I can probably condense and cut down as they ruin the flow of the essay.

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