Thursday 3 May 2012

More in-depth, near final publication plan.

Chronological order, kind of like a timeline. I'm thinking about making the visual style represent the era within which it was in, as Hitchcock worked from the 20s to the 70s. This would be a way I can put theory into practice

Maybe lay out macguffins in chronological order (on pages) throughout the book and reveal them at the end? Feeling of scattered macguffins/red herrings. "There are two men sitting in a train going to Scotland and one man says to the other, "Excuse me, sir, but what is that strange parcel you have on the luggage rack above you?", "Oh", says the other, "that's a Macguffin.", "Well", says the first man, "what's a Macguffin?", The other answers, "It's an apparatus for trapping lions in the Scottish Highlands.", "But", says the first man, "there are no lions in the Scottish Highlands.", "Well", says the other, "then that's no Macguffin." Hitchcock said to Truffaut in 

Black and white to colour movies will be reflected in the colour and mood of the book.

HITCHCOCK'S BEGINNINGS - DPS - born in 1899, visual style of 1899?
His first article for Henley Telegraph - GAS (1919)
His final piece Fedora (1921) Gave a striking description of Alma, his future wife who he hadn't even met yet

Bit of info on his early movies and them being flops, The Lodger, his first success, his first Hitchcockian film (1927) Begins his recurring themes of a wrong man trying to prove his innocence
Famous scenes/along with techniques of movies in chronological order - dps for each, maybe elongated pages for impact
Hitchcock being a visual director - German expressionism influences.
Blackmail - his first sound film - his techniques of ambient sound etc, how he pioneered it. quotes, loads of pages, with KNIFE, KNIFE, KNIFE

In 1929 - Alfred Hitchcock jumped to technicolour, his first film was Rope...

1929 - ROPE - First film in technicolour - what hitchcock did to colour movies

The 39 Steps (1935)

Sabotage (1936)

Notorious (1946)

Rope (1948) famous scene, silent murder scenes?

Rear Window (1954)

Vertigo (1958)

North By Northwest (1959) humor involving a chase along with quotes from Hitchcock

Psycho (196) Classic shower scene and  information about recurring themes such as Voyeurism

The Birds (1963)

Recurring themes, Hitchcock blondes, frequently cast actors


His final film - Family Plot (1976)

His legacy
Notable persons quotes on Hitchcock?

Bibliography of sources

I want the visual style to reflect the era I'm in, the book is in chronological order. Sort of like a timeline. I'm going to look into visual styles in different decades and how movies looked, how posters looked and so on.

Also going to think of a name for this publication, calling it "Alfred Hitchcock Techniques" or something is a little lame, so I'm going to look into quotes he's said or a phrase on the subject which just clicks.

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