Friday 4 May 2012

Context of Practice publication crit (4/5/12)


We applied the DIET technique to what we brought to the crit. As I've done very little visual exploration as of now, so it was all plans, research into techniques, visual styles and so on.

Research into Hitchcock's start in filmmaking. His techniques. Quotes by Hitchcock, Truffaut etc. Research into different eras of his filmmaking, silent > sound > colour. New found publication plan. Outlining order of events in publication.

Thought process for publications. Had trouble with sheer variety and mass of information, so a little behind and not at a visual stage. Publication plan makes sense and visuals are starting to come into to play.

Good, clear thought process. A lot of time planning and dwelling on it, maybe too much. Resulted in a decent plan of content which I need to explore visually, so I know what copy will be, and where it will be. I think I have a decent knowledge of the topic.

Not any visual investigation or physical design work at this stage.

It solves it by being a very visual book, although nothing is shown as of yet, that's what it is planned to be. Most Hitchcock books are very sort of 'academic' and intellectual which delve deep into Hitchcock and have lots of copy - they're text heavy. Also found this from my survey, a few people expressed complaints that they haven't read the books they own as they're a little too text heavy.  This is planned to be a pretty visual guide to Hitchcock, for someone who doesn't need to know too much at this point but gets the basic idea of who Hitchcock was, what made him one of the most acclaimed and best loved filmmakers ever and his lasting influence.

Feedback from crit
-They liked the idea
- They appreciated that it's a pretty big subject I've given myself and a lot of categorising and organising of information is needed to portray the information.
- I should keep going down the visual route and focus on his film techniques and famous scenes
- Don't worry about providing some kind of argument
- Focusing on each decade and applying that style in the publication might be a bit too much, instead focus on showing differences in visuals from
silent > sound >
black and white > colour

What I need to do
- Visually spread out the publication so I have a rough idea of what will go on each page
- Look at more visual styles, especially typefaces used in black and white technicolor movies.
- Start designing some kind of logo or front cover for the publication, look at existing movie posters and reference them. Do a few design sheets on this.

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