Tuesday 20 March 2012

Stamp It! Research

I'm exploring the idea of ironic postcards with tag-lines such as "Wish you were here!" while the actual scene itself isn't a very pleasant scene. I'm aware I must have subconsciously be inspired by existing examples of these somehow, or else I wouldn't have thought of this. So I'm going to look into visual examples of said inspirations and hopefully i'll take something away from it.

I'll also look into innovative stamp design I can find. Right now my ideas don't have a lot of focus and I need to find focus.

Olly Moss//Studio Ghibli

This kind of style of layers would be quite cool for stamps and one I've been applying to my design sheets, it still needs some refinement but I like the idea of taking a scene like this which you expect to be quite pleasant, with hills and birds etc but putting the reality in there. Car pollution, chimneys, power plants etc.

The tone of voice in this is really good, it's simple to understand and lighthearted. Im trying to think of a way to apply this to stamps maybe.

One colour stamps are really cool, I think it also adds an aura of being environmentally friendly. Less ink usage. I'll try drawing up my stamp designs just using up one colour, maybe even print it onto see through vinyl as I was planning, so the envelope actually paints the background. That would be quite interesting.


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