Saturday 11 February 2012


This was an interesting session, first we had a go at some automatic writing, something new to me, but a concept I kind of knew existed anyway. It's similar to just letting out what's on your mind and just writing and writing and writing, the stuff that comes out is quite heartfelt and honest and some mad ideas can come out. I won't repeat what I jotted down, it's probably  abit embarassing! But anyway, it was good and I'll definitely keep doing it. I might make a whole book of it, maybe it'll be worth a lot of money one day?

We then, discussed qualities of graphic designers and things we like in life. It was quite a broad and interesting debate, in the end we all kind of find the qualities in life and the qualities personally and professionally that we respect the most.

For example, what I feel strongly about is honesty. Personally and professionally, I think it's usually in everyones best interest to not mess about just tell the truth. People always benefit from it in the long run.

So the task I need to do is to declare 5 points as a designer. I'll do this by looking at and documenting 5 existing manifestos and then produce my own list of declarations.


1. The Manifesto Of The Cloud Appreciation Society

WE BELIEVE that clouds are unjustly maligned
and that life would be immeasurably poorer without them.

Cloud Icon
We think that they are Nature’s poetry, 
and the most egalitarian of her displays, since 
everyone can have a fantastic view of them.

Cloud Icon
We pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it. 
Life would be dull if we had to look up at 
cloudless monotony day after day.

Cloud Icon
We seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the 
atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of 
a person’s countenance.

Cloud Icon
Clouds are so commonplace that their beauty is often overlooked. 
They are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. 
Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save 
on psychoanalysis bills.

Cloud Icon
And so we say to all who’ll listen:

Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and live life with your head in the clouds!

This is pretty far out there as manifestoes go, most of the declarations are encouragements and things such as reminding people about something. 


2. Bauhaus Manifesto - Walter Gropius - 1919

Aims of the Bauhaus
The Bauhaus strives to bring together all creative effort into one whole, to reunify all the 
disciplines of practical art-sculpture, painting, handicrafts, and the crafts-as inseparable 
components of a new architecture. The ultimate, if distant, aim of the Bauhaus is the unified 
work of art-the great structure-in which there is no distinction between monumental and 
decorative art.
The Bauhaus wants to educate architects, painters, and sculptors of all levels, according 
to their capabilities, to become competent craftsmen or independent creative artists and to form a 
working community of leading and future artist-craftsmen. These men, of kindred spirit, will 
know how to design buildings harmoniously in their entirety-structure, finishing, ornamentation, 
and furnishing.
Principles of the Bauhaus
Art rises above all methods; in itself it cannot be taught, but the crafts certainly can be. 
Architects, painters, and sculptors are craftsmen in the true sense of the word; hence, a thorough Gropius, 1919 Bauhaus Manifesto
training in the crafts, acquired in workshops and in experimental and practical sites, is required 
of all students as the indispensable basis for all artistic production. Our own workshops are to be 
gradually built up, and apprenticeship agreements with outside workshops will be concluded.
The school is the servant of the workshop, and will one day be absorbed in it. Therefore 
there will be no teachers or pupils in the Bauhaus but masters, journeymen, and apprentices.
The manner of teaching arises from the character of the workshop: Organic forms 
developed from manual skills.
Avoidance of all rigidity; priority of creativity; freedom of individuality, but strict study 
Master and journeyman examinations, according to the Guild Statutes, held before the 
Council of Masters of the Bauhaus or before outside masters.
Collaboration by the students in the work of the masters. Securing of commissions, also 
for students.
Mutual planning of extensive, Utopian structural designs-public buildings and buildings 
for worship-aimed at the future. Collaboration of all masters and students-architects, painters, 
sculptors-on these designs with the object of gradually achieving a harmony of all the component 
elements and parts that make up architecture.
Constant contact with the leaders of the crafts and industries of the country. Contact with 
public life, with the people, through exhibitions and other activities.
New research into the nature of the exhibitions, to solve the problem of displaying visual 
work and sculpture within the framework of architecture.
Encouragement of friendly relations between masters and students outside of work; 
therefore plays. lectures, poetry, music, costume parties. Establishment of a cheerful ceremonial 
at these gatherings.

--Quite an interesting read, about the aims and principles of Bauhaus design and their views on art and the similarities they describe between an artist and craftsman.


The Holstee Company Manifesto: This Is Your Life

I found the whole thing pretty inspiring, mainly because it's refreshingly honest. 


The Designer: John Maeda

1. Reduce: The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.

2. Organize: Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.

3. Time: Savings in time feel like simplicity.

4. Learn. Knowledge makes everything simpler.

5. Differences: Simplicity and complexity need each other.

6. Context: What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.

7. Emotion: More emotions are better than less.

8. Trust: In simplicity we trust.

9. Failure: Some things can never be made simple.

10. The One: Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.

-- Alot of this really rung with me, especially "achieve simplicity by thoughtful reduction". Pretty much sums it up pretty eloquently. 


The Company: Apple (2009)

1. We believe that we're on the face of the earth to make great products. 

2. We're constantly focusing on innovating.

3. We believe in the simple, not the complex.

4. We believe we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution.

5. We believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that we can focus on the few that are meaningful to us. 

6.We believe in deep collaboration and cross pollination in order to innovate in a way others cannot.

7. We don't settle for anything other than excellence in any group in the company.

8. We have the self-honesty to admit when we're wrong and the courage to change.


Abbas Mushtaq

1. I will enjoy everything I do, If I don't like something, I'll change it. If I start to refer to my art as "work" I'll take a step back and adjust something.

2. I will constantly look to innovate and be different. Once you know the rules you can break them. In all walks of life, if I make anything, I want people to think "I wish I thought of that!"

3. I will always set goals and targets to achieve, whether it's long term plans, plans for the year, plans for the week or even plans for the hour.

4. I will try and learn about anything and everything. I really believe that 'knowledge is power'. You can never know enough and it can only help in any walk of life.

5. I will not be afraid to make mistakes, and will not over analyse any situation, even if it's some design I'm working on. I will just keep doing.

6. I will always be honest, to others and to myself, it's in everyones best interest.

7. I will always be organised, a tidy environment means a tidy mind!

8. I will travel as much as I can, and experience different environments and cultures as much as I can. I will just get out there and do it, whatever it may be.

9. I will be efficient with my time and achieve as much as I can in a day, time is something you can never get back.

10. I will treat others how I would want to be treated, I'll always work hard and be kind to people and I'm confident good things will always happen.

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