Sunday 20 November 2011


I'm making a Room For Sale poster for my own accomodation as I'm leaving. (see PPP blog). I'm a graphic designer so it's a given that I'm gonna make a reasonably snazzy poster, I really like the True Grit poster, I'm going to adopt a similar style as I don't have alot of time to flesh this out and want something out there on the wall ASAP. Hopefully I won't just rip it off though!

Here's the poster:

Particular features I like about it are the type driven layout, the size and hierarchy of it all, the block serif like font, and the pointing hands. I like the way it all kind of calls to attention, especially with the hands. I want my poster to be as eyecatching and inviting as possible as the more people that see it - the better. Here is some interesting imagery:


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