Friday 4 November 2011




Keep Britain Tidy has a campaign running called "Love Where You Live"

"The Love Where You Live campaign aims to:
  • Inspire and enable everyone to take action to reduce littering and improve the quality of local places
  • Engage everyone to change their behaviour and drive local action by fostering pride and understanding
  • Raise the profile of the importance of caring for local places to improve individuals quality of life
  • Encourage, support and bring together leaders from government, business, media and civil society
We want this campaign to encourage 3,000,000 people and 3,000 organisations to take action to reduce litter over the next three years. We know it takes time to change the way people think and act so we recognise that this will be a long journey and we want to encourage as many people as possible to join us along the way."
"Love Where You Live principles
The Love Where You Live campaign is based on six guiding principles that we are asking those who want to be involved, whether they are an organisation or an individual to adopt:
• Encourage personal responsibility and positive action
• Work in partnership with neighbours to reduce litter
• Take responsibility for keeping your own immediate area clean
• Raise awareness and education about the prevention of littering
• Make it easy for people not to drop litter
• Become an active ambassador for clean, green places throughout England and the UK"

Here are some examples of stuff you can order:

They also allow anyone to take part in the campaign, we're also able to order posters and other media. This could be something I could adopt, I could basically adopt the campaign and send out stickers and other little bits of media to the relevant people and say here's some stuff to get you started, such as a poster and some stickers. Redirect them to the website and encourage them to get in on it.
I could send it to unis, councils, environmental organistations, busy public buildings such as train stations, shopping centres etc.
I quite like this idea and think it has some substance and purpose.  

:Sanitary Soundsystem

Sanitary Soundsystem are a local group in Leeds who have a unique approach to cleaning Leeds up. They carry around a soundsystem and have music on nice and loud while people join in and clean up.

The amount of info I can get on it is quite bare at the moment but I think this is a decent idea and is relevant to me and to Leeds and I can imagine who I'd send it to

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