Monday 3 October 2011

Context of Practice//Seminar Task 1 - Love/Hate

5 examples of graphic design that I love or hate


Great design is something that is clear, concise, helpful to it's purpose and effective. Can't really pick better than road signs in the UK. If you try and improve them you probably couldn't. I watched a documentary about the design of these signs once and there's ALOT more thought and theory behind it than you think. These little fine touches are what I want to add to my work. 

I love this kind of clean, minimal approach to graphic design. Especially in regards to one sheet posters for films, games, records etc. It's an area I just naturally have alot of passion for. Check these out


LOL. So so bad. I don't even think this can barely be classed as graphic design? It's basically fan art but I hate this style of art. It needs to be really amazingly technically good to be cool - these are not, these are crap.

It's probably more of a dislike than a hate, but I hate lack of inspiration and creativity in design. Things that just seem to follow a template and are so overcrowded. It just makes me think where's the creativity gone. Like these horrible turds..

What happened to stuff like this?

Look at how they don't overcomplicate it or with fancy effects. This isn't one of my absolute personal favourites but it's still a damn sight better than most new stuff.

Packaging. I think I'm quite into work you can pick up and hold. Work everyone can buy from anywhere, mass produced stuff. You pick it up and think oh that looks really good and you pick it up and want a closer look. Here's some really cool bits of packaging design. Once again it makes you think, why doesn't everyone do it? Boring, demanding clients and guidelines i'm guessing.

You can see how, possibly, needlessy overcomplicated modern day packaging is for modern confectionary and food products. Keep it simple, man! 

Again, it's going full circle in a way to how design for packaging was maybe 20-30 years ago. Check these out...


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